Congratulation to Barack Obama; America’s first non- white President. He will become the 44th President of the USA on January 20th 2009 and he has vowed to change the world. Will he capable of changing the world? He probably can, as the world most powerful figure. From the way he speaks, he’s full of confident, least to say. Another way to put it, he definitely has the leadership quality, already proved by leading his party and his supporters to victory in the election.
So he will change the world, at least in some way. But HOW EXACTLY will he change the world? Today, he named his economic team, which comprises of... (I don’t know who). Anyway, his priorities (known to me) to change the world are by pulling back the falling economy back on track, creating 5 million jobs by 2010 and withdrawing troops out of Iraq and Afghan in order to restore peace to the two countries.
Global effects, felt so strong anytime there’s something happened in the world. Barack Obama’s election came in time (may be some parties didn’t get the chance to see it through), to stop a deepening wound, if not to heal it completely. I am eager to see, with his characteristic and methods, to help the world to become a better place.
Back on our soil, 9 months have passed, promises have been made: To have at least 85% WIMAX coverage over Penang, to boost economic of Penang by attracting big foreign companies (they are creating jobs, but Penang really need them at this time?), to make Penang a World Heritage Site so that tourism will bloom like flower under the sun (?) and etc. Seems like will be busy, at least for another 3 years.
With many things occupying, who cares about the Sungai Nyior Toll Collection?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Change Your World To Change The World
Light Headedness...
Woke up this morning, feeling not quite good, may be because of last night’s incident which I didn’t mean to cause. Sometimes this happens in a relationship, whether is with family, spouses or friends. Love gives us happiness but nothing’s free in this world or put it in other way, “give and take”. So, love will bring some unwanted feelings too, besides giving us happiness. Anyway, I still... love you.
Arriving at office today, using a different job designation, today as a draughtsman. I hate doing jobs draughtsman does, sitting in front of the computer and repeating copy and paste commands based on commented drawing. Lucky enough, I am not a draughtsman, so I saw something on the design that should be highlighted to my superior. Well, still I am not lucky enough... What I got was that I should just follow the drawing and submit for another comment. I know my superior’s style, just follow and if people questioned, just say: “I followed your instruction what”. (Urm...) Anyone smells something wrong here? But he’s my superior, has experience of 16 times the experience of mine. What to do? I have to follow and complete my job (jobs at my hand that are waiting to be settled will look pity on me). Later turned around I have to modify it again, need to have a f*** off at being so pissed.
Done the job, but not completed (not like doing it though), light headedness struck without a warning. Felt not really well, thought of getting half day to take a nap at home. But times seem to be pushing me, after lunch, thought of just wait for 4 hours more and save an effort to take leave. Just about to get to 3pm, head started to feel heavy, couldn’t really concentrate, so just took an operation manual and study. It was correct move though, as I found some info in it. Hoped the time would fly, but time is ticking... Slowly... Slowly... So slow...
So? At 5.30pm sharp, there I went, out of the door, taking the operation manual with me? It will stay in my car probably for the night as I think my brain no longer in the mood for “read”. What’s I done today at my workplace? I done something, just something not really made my day at work.
I just don’t like to sit in the office for a whole day. Tomorrow probably better, morning site testing and afternoon site meeting, that probably will occupy me for a whole day, CHEER!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
NOW, it’s has been 7 months since I stepped into the world of workaholics (People who goes to work everyday). So... Am I a workaholic? I wanted to be one, wanted to work my way up the corporate ladder. That was my thinking before I got myself into this world, which is different from what I used to perceive in my mind while I was in my study years.
How to be considered as a workaholic? Am I gonna work myself to death and be considered as one? Or am I satisfy with all the work I executed and in turn be considered as a successful person, if not a workaholic?
1. Workaholic = Successful?
2. Successful = Workaholic?
1st equation seems to be reasonable. If one person works day and night, focus his attention onto his work, which turns him into a workaholic. From a workaholic, he then should be able to cope within his job scope and whatever the f*** his boss threw at him. He would be able to, at least settle it, no matter whatever the f*** he might have to sacrifice. Person, who gets things done (well...) well or not well, is considered successful... At least in a slightly tight scope of thinking, that particular person is capable of doing his job.
2nd equation, is it true? Nope! Successful person need not to be a workaholic, so this DAMN equation (1st equation) of being a workaholic is deemed to be waste of human efforts.
(Urm...)Sadly, my current working world does not have a ladder to climb (small office, short corporate hierarchy). But doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t advance and be successful in whatever jobs I do. Sometimes it’s hard to do whatever we do that hasn’t been done by ourselves before. As we go along, it might be getting easier or the other way around, probably because of a limit that we set to ourselves or that we have achieved our limit. Since there’s no limit to the limit of self satisfaction and fulfillment, so I probably assume sometimes that we set a limit to ourselves, giving excuses. Excuses are used to cover- up our shortcoming, our incapability, our tendency to procrastinate, so that we can save our face at the end of the day and assume that we have really done all we could.
Going back is not an option (which means I can’t go back), marching forward is not an option too (which means I can’t move forward?). In this case, I have no option (not going back and moving forward) but to keep my current state of, moving on...
The economy will be bad, won’t it? Anything we can do? Probably not... Anyway, just stay put to pull it through...